Events at the Ethical Society of Austin
March 16, 2025 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Carolyn A. Parker continues her Heroes of Ethical Culture series with Anna Garlin Spencer.
During her lifetime, Anna Garlin Spencer stepped beyond the narrow confines of what was expected or allowed for women of her generation. No childless cat lady, she broke barriers for herself and for others. For a while, we were privileged to hear her wit and wisdom as Anna Garlin Spencer taught ethics to Ethical Culture.
This is a hybrid meeting, please join us in person at 5604 Manor Rd, or on Zoom. If you would like to join us on Zoom, please request a link.
Join us. Our community welcomes you.
This is a virtual meeting.
1:00-3:00 pm
Workshop given by Curt Collier, Ethical Culture Leader
There are many ways to be of service to others and bring healing and comfort. In this workshop, intended for people who want to make a difference and get involved, we help identify your unique talents and share how to find the right channels that allow your gifts to shine. Ethical action is a fulfilling way of life. Please join us!
This will be a free, in-person event at 5604 Manor Rd. Light snacks and beverages offered.
Our political turmoil has deep historical roots. Although the Constitution ensured church-state separation, many American secular principles stem from Calvinist theology. In this talk, Professor Curt Collier examines how 300 years later, hidden theological influences may be blocking progress toward a brighter future.
Hybrid Meeting
Spring is a time of planting seeds that will become plants. What seeds are you planting in your life?
The purpose of Colloquy is to help participants, in a communal setting, “delve more deeply into the depths of their own being and to develop the habit of self-reflection, to live in a closer conformity to their stated beliefs and to find a source of inspiration.”
During a Colloquy, participants reflect on a theme introduced by a facilitator. Sharing about the session’s theme often promotes deeper insight.
This is a hybrid event followed by our monthly pot luck lunch.
Jon Meador will join us to talk about the current State of the Courts.
This is a virtual meeting.
Ayania Hicks, a policy expert at American Civil Liberties Union of Texas (ACLU Texas) , will explain how the First Amendment protects the right to protest, which state laws impact speech rights in public spaces, and what to do if approached by law enforcement.
This is a virtual meeting