Ethical Action
Upcoming Events
Sammy’s House December 16
We invite you to join us from10:30AM to 1:00PM. We will be gathering to engage in an ACT OF KINDNESS by wrapping Christmas Gifts, purchased by the society for SAMMY'S HOUSE, an Austin based non-profit agency provides educational and care services for developmentally delayed children in the Austin area.
This will be an in-person event only. There will be light refreshments and drinks. Attendees are welcome to bring a batch of their favorite light holiday goodies. We ask that everyone come together, leaving the world's trials and tribulations at the door and just hangout, wrap gifts and chat. Masks are optional.
RSVP to get location.
Past Events
Austin Shelter for Women and Children
We collected items requested by the shelter on Sunday, November 19th. We’ll collect again on Sunday December 3. The shelter is requesting shelf stable foods, children’s books, toothpaste and toothbrushes.
Tales on the Trail
The switch to virtual in 2020 allowed some former members to rejoin EthicalSociety of Austin. ESoA Board member Trish Taylor, participated in the Tales on the Trail Early Literacy event on Saturday, October 21 in LaSalle Parish, Louisiana.
Inside Books Project
Thank you to everyone who brought in books to donate to Inside Books Project on Sunday, October 15.
We support the Central Texas Food Bank
Please consider volunteering with or donating to the Central Texas Food Bank.
Ethical Society of Austin recognizes the dangers of climate change and supports the work of